Our Quality Policy
As Mega Metal, we have established a quality policy that supports our vision of establishing sustainable relationships in the sector with our target field of activity, super fine copper wire production.
As Mega Metal family, we have established a quality policy that supports our vision of establishing sustainable relationships in the sector with our target field of activity, super fine copper wire production.

Occupational Health and Safety, Environment Policy
In order to contribute to our future and prioritize the safety of our employees, we have defined an occupational health and environment policy that reflects our respect for the environment.
Our company aims to provide products and services without harming the environment, to provide a safe working environment with the goal of zero work accidents, and to provide continuous development by training its employees with environmental awareness.
In the light of our efficient resource management policy, we aim to reduce natural resource consumption, take proactive measures to protect health integrity and encourage employee participation. Success is realized through the team spirit and cooperation of all employees.

Energy Policy
We continue our activities with our principle of efficient energy consumption for a productive world.
We prioritize energy efficiency and are committed to creating energy management awareness among our team members through continuous improvement. We also aim to be a pioneer by following the legal requirements and increase our energy performance every year. With the awareness of our responsibilities for the future, we will continue to work as an environmentally conscious company.

Information Security Policy
Our company is aware of the value and importance of knowledge, which is the building block of our society, and of production based on it.
While Mega Metal A.Ş. carries out its production activities in line with the company's objectives, it takes care to protect information and information assets and to ensure that communication is uninterrupted and secure due to the increasing speed of use of information technologies.
It continuously develops and implements the Information Security Management System in accordance with ISO 27001 standard. We make the following commitments to ensure business continuity and the security of our information assets in the sectors we serve: Documenting the Information Security Management System in accordance with the requirements of the ISO ISO 27001 standard and continuously improving its effectiveness, ensuring the uninterrupted continuity of our core and supporting business activities, ensuring that information is accessible only by authorized persons and protecting the separation of duties, ensuring compliance with the Information Security Law and regulations in our country, providing all employees with the necessary training on Information Security, following technological developments and making continuous improvements.
In this context, all our employees and all our stakeholders, third parties and suppliers accessing information assets have the responsibility to comply with our policy on Information Security.